Welcome to Lame Deer, Montana

Teach at Lame Deer Public Schools
Our Land & History
Located in the southeastern part of our state, Lame Deer School District is located in a beautiful, rural setting two miles south of Lame Deer, MT. Located within the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Lame Deer is the tribal and government agency headquarters of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation. It covers 445,000 acres and is bordered by the Tongue River on the east and on the west by the Crow Reservation.
Named for the Miniconjou Lakota chief Lame Deer, who played a key role in resisting efforts to remove the area tribes to Oklahoma, Lame Deer is between Broadus and Hardin on Deer Creek and the Cheyenne Indian reservation. Around 1879, it was to this village that Chief Dull Knife, also known as Morning Star, and the Northern Cheyenne returned from their long march home after being held in Oklahoma. (from Cheney’s Names on the Face of Montana, Mountain Press Publishing Company).
The sheer cliffs 22 miles southeast of Lame Deer provide a classic example of a buffalo jump. Other places near Lame Deer to explore include the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument on Crow Reservation abutting the Northern Cheyenne Reservation and Chief Two Moons Monument built in 1936 in memory of Chief Two Moons, who participated in the Battle of the Little Bighorn. South of Lame Deer is Rosebud Battlefield State Park and the Tongue River Reservoir, which is twelve miles long and set in the scenic red shale and juniper canyons and open prairies.

Our Community
The visitor center, museum and Ten Bear Gallery are important showplaces of Cheyenne heritage and art. Additionally, the St. Labre Mission and Cheyenne Indian Museum were established in 1884 by the Franciscan Order.
Our community's annual celebrations include the Memorial Day Powwow, White River Days Celebration, Lame Deer 4th of July Pow Wow, and the Ashland Labor Day Pow Wow. The annual Fourth of July Celebration is the largest pow-wow held on the reservation. Dancing contests in all categories and parades welcome visitors to a brilliant display of color and traditions, and feasts of Native foods are always part of the festivities.
The economy is primarily supported by the federal government, tribal government, farming/ranching, and non-native/native owned businesses. The tribe is the largest employer on the reservation.

Our Schools
The student population at the elementary school is 275. The population at Lame Deer High School is 92 junior high students and 176 high school students. The student-teacher ratio is 15:54:1. There are 35 full-time teachers and 5 full-time counselors.
With a variety of extra-curricular programs, Lame Deer Schools excels in athletics. We have three STEM courses available to grade 8-12 that focus on being a scholar of the future.

Photo credits:
The Missoulian
Marcin Roguski
Jill Van Alstyne - Montana Free Press