Elementary School


Phone: 406-477-6305,  6306,  6308
Fax: 406-477-8234

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Principal–  Alvera Cook ext. 1115
Asst Principal–   ext. 1104
School Secretary/Enrollment– Tina Pease  ext. 1101
Attendance–  Tarae Whistling Elk  ext. 1100
Director of Special Education–   ext. 1105
Home School Coordinator– Tarae Whistling Elk ext. 1102
Elem Nurse Office- Natawnee Hogan ext. 1112
Elem Based Clinic- Sheryl Robinson ext. 1139

Kindergarten – Grade 2
Kindergarten- Teresa Blankenship  ext. 1117
Kindergarten- Alice Charles ext. 1118
Kindergarten- Jane Estanil ext. 1119

1st Grade- Denise Shirley  ext. 1121
1st Grade- Laura Stephens   ext. 1122
2nd Grade- Genevieve Coquia  ext. 1123
2nd Grade- Beryl Gencaya  ext. 1124
2nd Grade- Sarah Shmasow ext. 1120

Grades 3-6
3rd Grade- Cristina Walters ext. 1125
3rd Grade- Cierra Two Moons ext. 1126
4th Grade- Teddy Simbre   ext. 1127
4th Grade-  Ken Duhart  ext. 1128

5th Grade-  Jennifer Dyas  ext. 1129
5th Grade- Micheal Ariem   ext. 1130
6th Grade- Misty King   ext. 1131
6th Grade- Aniya Grant ext. 1133

P.E. - Sanner Sattler   ext. 1134
Music–   ext. 1136
Cheyenne Culture– ext. 1114
Culture Liaison -    ext. 1007

Special Education-
Judy Sarigumba ext. 1108
Kenneth Sattler ext. 1109
Ritchelle Eredera ext. 1116

Speech – Fran LaFrance ext. 1110
School Counselor- Lilli Nicolson ext. 1111

Evie Bixby (Director) ext. 1113
June Little Bird
Bonnie Burns
Lonnie Littlebird

   Miranda Seestheground ext.1107

Custodians– Clementine Seminole ext. 1137
Lyniah Bearcomesout
Anthony Gleason
Jonathan Whiteman