

Director of Technology– Brandon Tall Bull ext. 1010

Technology Assistant–  Jesse ShotGunn  ext. 1011

It is part of our department’s job to ensure that our district complies with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). This is an act of Congress that tries to ensure that children are not exposed to inappropriate materials or placed in harm’s way because of what they see or do while using the Internet. Schools and public libraries which do not follow the guidelines of the act may lose government funding for computers and Internet access.

Our department has adopted 3 ways of trying to protect our students. First, we have adopted an Internet Acceptable Use Policy. The second thing we have done, is to install an Internet Filter which blocks offensive sites, social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, non-school affiliated games and gambling sites among others. While some of these sites seem harmless, they do little to contribute to a student’s academic progress and have been shown to sometimes place a child in harm’s way. The third way, we try to protect our staff and students is to issue individual computer accounts and passwords to allow computer users to have a secure place to store their work. Our Revised Acceptable Use Policy states that sharing accounts and passwords is not allowed. A computer account is not the user’s personal property and it cannot be given away or shared. It is the responsibility of each user to keep his or her account secure.


The LDPS Tech Dept currently has some older CPUs for donation.  Please stop by the Blue Building next to Administration and speak with either Brandon or Jesse.  These are a first come, first serve basis and do not come with any Warranty whatsoever.  We’ve reloaded them with Windows 7 and Office 2007 or 2010.  These units are “as is” and we are not liable for damages/viruses/neglect after they leave LDPS.